We work individually with students to identify potential careers and majors, plan internships and summer experiences, research colleges and finalize a personalized list of colleges and universities which are the right match for each student. Ultimately we create a personal timeline and guide students through the completion of the college application and essay writing process.
Students and parents meet every quarter to discuss the student’s progress towards academic goals. A four year academic plan is developed and a standardized testing plan for SAT ACT, AP tests, etc. is outlined. Advice is provided on how to maximize the high school experience with peers, teachers, and counselors. The student is assisted in researching various community service opportunities, extra-curricular activities, and summer experiences. Students are strongly encouraged to attend the “High School Study Skills Workshop”. Learn more about our Freshmen College Counseling and Services.
Students and parents, if desired, meet every month (excluding summer) to discuss academic progress and to delineate specific goals. Academic progress is monitored and students begin the career exploration process through the use of personality and career assessments. Counselors work with the student and parents on course planning, including the pros and cons of AP, IB, and community college classes, and assist the student in researching meaningful summer experiences. Additionally, the basics of researching colleges are introduced and the family is assisted in planning college visits. All sophomores begin developing a resume and a specific standardized testing and preparation plan is outlined. Students are strongly encouraged to attend the “High School Study Skills Workshop”. Learn more about our Sophomore College Counseling and Services.
Students meet with a counselor every month. During these appointments, progress towards academic goals is monitored as is progress towards standardized testing. Guided by the student’s personal career interests and educational goals, counselors work with the student to research meaningful summer experiences, internships, employment and volunteer service and the student continues to develop a comprehensive resume. In the second semester, a comprehensive search begins for colleges matching the student’s profile and the student’s and parents’ specific selection factors. This search process culminates towards the end of the junior year with a priority list of colleges. In Spring, students prepare for college visits and Juniors are strongly encouraged to attend the “Interview and College Visit Workshop”. Learn more about our Junior College Counseling and Services.
Meeting weekly or biweekly–depending on the student’s schedule– the student finalizes the list of colleges to which he or she will apply. Parent/Student conferences are held in the summer and seniors are required to attend a “College Essay Workshop” (June/July). Each student works privately with their own essay coach to complete essays. In addition to working privately with a counselor, application tutorials are held to assist the student in completing applications and preparing each college’s required documents. Every senior is required to attend a minimum of 2 application tutorials held in late summer and Fall. Special advising is provided to students pursuing the performing and visual arts as well as those pursuing collegiate athletics. In spring of the senior year, guidance is provided to the student and parents in making a final selection. Students and parents are strongly encouraged to attend the “Transitions Workshop” held in May. Learn more about our Senior College Counseling and Services.